Saturday, December 29, 2007

il Teatro alla Scala


"What strokes of death
could ever make it yeild?
If mighty death stood before me
threatening the very life of my body
which I would so gladly leave
for love, how could it reach love itself?"

Last night Lady and I went to see the "Tristan und Isolde" (hence the passage above) at 'La Scala' opera house--a real treat for my fresh knowledge of opera. The set-up was perfect. Yesterday, the whole family got to tour the opera house (loaded in luxury) with an excellent guide. The opera was five and a half hours long but Alex and I both were surprisingly delighted. I don't think either of us truly could have even managed boredom because the entire episode was utterly drama-packed. We felt so sophisticated among the affluent opera-loving tedeschi (germans) and italiani.

Today the whole family hopped on a train to Florence--my new home. Milan was positively fabulous, but very commercial. Florence felt like coming home, especially to a young college student like myself. The mixture of hustle-bustle and easy-going comfort manifests an ideal balance. There is much exploration to be had here, even after the departure of my family. Hope all is well in the states!



Team Whaley said...

Sono gelosa di te!

Becca Ingraham said...


Just thought I would let you know that I will be stalking you daily via facebook and now this blog. Although there are no Wheel games in Italy, I am fairly confident that you will find a superior alternative to the silver torch. I only hope that you can sketch the statement "Becca Ingraham likes freshmen lesbos" somewhere overseas.

Peace, Love, and Lambda

Sister Ingraham

Stacey said...

Happy New Year kelsey!